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City of Orlando, Floriday
City of Orlando, Florida

How Often Should I Clean My Commercial Ice Machine in Orlando, Florida

In Orlando, Florida, where the climate is hot and humid, it’s especially important to keep your commercial ice machine clean to ensure it operates efficiently and produces high-quality ice. Here’s a general cleaning schedule to follow:

  1. Daily:
    • Inspect and Remove Debris: Check the machine for any visible debris or dirt and remove it.
    • Check Water Filters: Ensure the water filters are clean and not clogged. Replace them if necessary.
  2. Weekly:
    • Clean the Exterior: Wipe down the exterior surfaces with a damp cloth to remove dust and grime.
    • Inspect Ice Storage Bin: Check the ice storage bin for any signs of contamination or build-up and clean it if needed.
  3. Monthly:
    • Clean the Condenser Coils: Dust or clean the condenser coils to ensure proper airflow and efficiency.
    • Sanitize the Ice Machine: Use a food-safe sanitizer to clean the internal components of the machine.
  4. Quarterly:
    • Deep Clean and Descale: Perform a thorough cleaning and descaling of the machine to remove any mineral deposits. This often involves using a specialized descaling solution and following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Annually:
    • Professional Maintenance: Have a professional technician perform a comprehensive inspection and maintenance service. They can check for any potential issues and ensure that all components are functioning correctly.

Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial to prevent ice machine issues and ensure that the ice produced is clean and safe. Always refer to your machine’s user manual for specific cleaning instructions and intervals, as recommendations can vary based on the model and manufacturer.

Ice Machine Cleaning Service
Before Ice Machine Cleaning Service
Ice Machine Cleaning Service
Ice Machine Cleaning - After