Walk in Cooler Repair Houston
Proudly Serving the Houston area 20+ Years
Please Call (832) 925-3361 For Service

Walk in Cooler Repair Houston
Do you have a walk in cooler problem in Houston and need repair ASAP? Rush Refrigeration offers very responsive, reliable walk in cooler repair services from highly skilled refrigeration repair technicians. Rush Refrigeration has been providing repair service for walk in coolers and most other cooling and heating units whether for home or commercial use for years all around Houston and Surrounding Communities.
Walk in Cooler Repair
Rush Refrigeration has experience with many different makes and models. Our walk in cooler repair expertise enables us to provide comprehensive diagnostics in a quick manner helping our customers to get back up running with minimum downtime.
Walk in Cooler Repair Houston
Rush Refrigeration provides you with the highest level of customer support for a complete level of satisfaction. Our walk in cooler repair technical support team is available to serve our valued customers 24/7, 7 days a week! Anywhere in Houston and all surrounding Cities. We use manufacturer recommended parts and have worked with all different brands and models.
Rush Refrigeration
Refrigeration, Heating & Cooling
Houston, TX

Business Hours
24 Hours a Day
7 Days a Week!
(832) 925-3361
CALL US: (832) 925-3361
COPYRIGHT© 2016. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Rush Refrigeration - Walk in Cooler Repair Houston